Disfruten; no se ansíen:
Formato: ¡¡¡ FLAC !!!
Arranged By [Kronos Quartet Performances] - David Lang
Artwork By - 27.12 Design Ltd.
Cello - Jennifer Culp
Composed By, Producer, Programmed By - Clint Mansell
Edited By [Digital] - André J.H. Zweers , Tom Luekens
Engineer - Dann Michael Thompson*
Engineer [Assistant] - André J.H. Zweers , Bob Levy , Brandon Proctor
Engineer [Technical] - Aaron Reiff
Executive Producer - Darren Aronofsky , David Bither , Eric Watson
Featuring - Kronos Quartet
Mastered By - David Harrington , Paul Zinman
Mixed By - Dann Michael Thompson* , Leslie Ann Jones
Photography - John Baer
Producer [Kronos Quartet Performances] - Judith Sherman
Producer [Soundtrack Album] - Clint Mansell , David Harrington
Viola - Hank Dutt
Violin - David Harrington , John Sherba
Summer | |
Summer Overture | 2:36 |
Party | 0:28 |
Coney Island Dreaming | 1:04 |
Party | 0:36 |
Chocolate Charms | 0:25 |
Ghosts Of Things To Come | 1:33 |
Dreams | 0:44 |
Tense | 0:37 |
Dr. Pill | 0:42 |
High On Life | 0:11 |
Ghosts | 1:21 |
Crimin' & Dealin' | 1:44 |
Hope Overture | 2:31 |
Tense | 0:28 |
Bialy & Lox Conga | 0:45 |
Fall | |
Cleaning Apartment | 1:25 |
Ghosts-Falling | 1:11 |
Dreams | 1:02 |
Arnold | 2:35 |
Marion Barfs | 2:22 |
Supermarket Sweep | 2:14 |
Dreams | 0:32 |
Sara Goldfarb Has Left The Building | 1:17 |
Bugs Got A Devilish Grin Conga | 0:57 |
Winter | |
Winter Overture | 0:19 |
Southern Hospitality | 1:23 |
Fear | 2:26 |
Full Tense | 1:04 |
The Beginning Of The End | 4:28 |
Ghosts Of A Future Lost | 1:50 |
Meltdown | 3:55 |
Lux Aeterna | 3:54 |
Coney Island Low | 2:13 |